Hoa Nghiem ELC Lớp Kinder

Dành cho các em 3 & 4 tuổi theo học lớp Kinder

Director: Mrs Emma Sutcliffe Email: emma.sutcliffe@hoanghiem.vic.edu.au

Tel: 8510 2244 hoặc 0413 856 327


Our Programs

Play is a young child’s way of learning. Play is the way children make sense and meaning of the world around them and is the child’s ‘work’. Engaging in play, children can explore, investigate, experiment and socialize, developing curiosity for learning and skills for life. Our programs are designed to facilitate learning through play, allowing children to work to their ability with the freedom to challenge themselves.

The structure of the program is a balance of play experiences that include active/quiet, indoor/outdoor, group/individual and structured/unstructured opportunities.

Educators observe and get to know each child and plan activities and experiences according to their needs and interests. We document children’s developing knowledge, interests, skills and attitudes in our reflection journal and we encourage families to share their views of the child’s learning journey through conversations and our online learning platform.

There is a focus on meditation and mindfulness with daily meditation practices, activities and experiences. This helps us to connect to the schools Buddhist philosophy and identity.

We believe the outdoors to be an ideal learning environment for children and we encourage outdoor play in most weather conditions. Children benefit from sensory rich play opportunities such as: sand, water, mud, clay, finger painting, light and shadow play . We focus on the process of ‘learning by doing’ not necessarily the end-product.

We interweave the areas of art, music and movement, language and literature, dramatic and imaginative, sensory and physical as well as science and maths into play experiences.

We provide opportunities for a wide range of skill development and children are encouraged to make decisions. Children are supported to participate in small and large group activities.

The children will also have the opportunity to have various specialist classes during the week such as:

PE class
Vietnamese language class
Music and Performing arts class
Art class
Hoa Nghiem ELC currently offers two levels of combined early childhood education:

3 year old Kindergarten
4 year old Kindergarten
*Which are currently both combined in the one learning space*

The 3 year old curriculum recognizes that children of this age enjoy the security of working and playing close to each other and the adults around them . The indoor and outdoor areas are used at different times of their session.

The 4 year old curriculum recognizes that children of this age enjoy the freedom of working and playing in a more self-directed way . A child-initiated program that is emergent and primarily experiential is offered to this group. There are long stretches of open time for children’s play and exploration . We believe that children deserve to engage deeply with each other and with their ideas, questions and challenges.

The children in the different age groups will often have opportunities to play and learn together as well as separately to focus on different elements of development and engagement.

Hoa Nghiem ELC offers a natural environment with open-ended resources. Sticks, sand, dirt, stones and water along with physical toys such as climbing equipment, swings and trikes are favoured play materials. The indoor environment offers a wide range of materials.

The children will also have opportunities to explore the large open natural space ‘Springvalley park’ with our proposed bush kinder where we will enjoy delving deeper into nature and our care for the world around us.

We also value and encourage family involvement in our weekly STAY AND PLAY program as well as invite families to actively join in other experiences offered throughout the year.

Our program aims to further each child’s individual interest and overall development. We offer a broad range of experiences to explore, discover and experiment with.

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